About – About the New Works
Never one to shy away from controversy he rather revels in the attempt to stick it to those in positions in authority and vaunted pedestals of superiority. This of course has landed him in the type of hot water that is oft patrolled by the likes of The Human Rights Commission, politicos, Elvis fans and the entire Catholic Church. Undaunted by these attacks on his much prized freedom of expression, he soldiers on in the knowledge that sooner or later someone will attempt a fatwah on his ass and drive him into exile thereby justifying his fatalist vision of his life’s work and reason to exist.
Of course in the real world this is just so much horse pucky. In truth his new show is a testament to his real persona, that being ruled by attention deficit disorder and the realization that he is easily amused. The seminal piece of the show .” I stand on guard for me” is a prime example of the complete and utter contempt he has for politicians of all stripes and shapes. This is in turn is driven by the knowledge that politicians and especially this one, have nothing but contempt for the lowly masses they righteously govern.
The other pieces are but a stroll through a disorderly and fickle mind. Cherry picking willy nilly subjects and genres that have little or nothing to do with congruity. While there appears to be no sense of thematics the entire show takes as its through line an attempt to engage the audience in a contemplation of beauty, humour and wonder. The bottom line as always is this, you’ll either love it or you’ll hate it, either way you wont be bored.
– Malcolm Callaway